Our Complaints Procedure

Our complaints procedure

We aim to provide the highest standard of service and to always act in the best interests of the client.

Laing Legal operates a complaints procedure. If, at any stage a client has concerns about the level of service or wishes to raise a complaint, the client may do so by writing to Neeta Laing of Laing Legal setting out the grounds of complaint. An initial investigation will be arranged and we will respond to you in writing. If necessary and appropriate, we will instruct another person to investigate and respond to your complaint.

If the client is not satisfied with the handling of the complaint, the client can ask the Legal Ombudsmen to consider it. Any complaint to the Legal Ombudsmen must usually be made within six months of the date of our final written response to your complaint.

Further information

For further information, you should contact the Legal Ombudsmen whose contact details are:

Telephone - 0300 555 0333 
Address – P O Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ

The Legal Ombudsman is the solicitors’ regulatory body to whom you may refer your complaint, once we have concluded our professional obligation to try to resolve it. The time limit for you to make a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman is six years from the act/omission or three years from realising the cause of the complaint but also six months from the conclusion of our internal procedure as stated above.
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